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The New York Sociologist

Submission Guidelines


Submissions: Are you interested in submitting a paper to the Journal?  All papers accepted for presentation at the annual NYSSA meetings are eligible, but we welcome submissions year- round.  Papers are peer-reviewed by the editor, past contributors and other reviewers. Publication is usually annual, but the number of submissions may warrant more frequency.


We seek papers from the wide spectrum of topics, methods, theories and subdivisions of sociology, or sociologically oriented papers in related disciplines.  Scholars of any career level—from undergraduate to emeritus professor—are encouraged to submit their work. Submit your manuscript electronically to via e-mail attachment as a Word Document (no PDFs).  Please use the subject line:  NYSS Article Submission.  And, please review these guidelines:






FIRST PAGE: Title, Author and Abstract

The first page of the paper will include a full title, the name(s) of author(s) and an abstract. Additional contact information for authors, such as affiliation, phone and address may be provided in the body of the e-mail.  The abstract will clearly, concisely and accurately describe the content of the paper in less than 250 words, double-spaced.


TEXT FORMAT:  Use ASA style.  (here is a link to the “quick guide”)

Use Times New Roman, 12 point font, double-spaced.  Cite only the authorities referenced in the paper and put them in a section titled “references.”  Use endnotes (rather than footnotes), if needed, and number them and put them on the last page of the document, after references.


SUBHEADINGS:  Use subheadings to organize the body of the manuscript into sections. First-level, or main subheadings would include, for example, “introduction,” “methods,” “findings,” conclusions.”  Use bold font and all capital letters, and center them.  If subheadings need to be further subdivided, put them in italic and use title case with left justification.






In addition to other important written comments, reviewers will use the following main rubric to assess papers:

1.         Is the research question clearly stated?  And, is it provided at the beginning (such  as in an abstract section or beginning section)?

2.         Does the abstract clearly and accurately describe the content of the article?

3.         Are the methods comprehensibly described?

4.         Is adequate reference made to other work in the field?

5.         Are the interpretations and conclusions justified by the results?



Vincent Serravallo

Department of Sociology & Anthropology Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester, NY

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