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NYSSA Student Paper Award Information


We invite undergraduate and graduate students to submit their work to be considered for the New York State Sociological Association (NYSSA) Student Paper Award, given in recognition of outstanding work by students. Students who submit an abstract to the annual meeting can additionally submit their full written paper for consideration of the paper award. 


Two awards are offered: one for the best paper by a graduate student (working toward a masters or doctorate) and one for the best paper by an undergraduate student. Each winner will receive a cash award of $175.


Submission process: Each manuscript submission should be sent via email to NYSSA President Jessica Hoffman ( with the following subject line format:


For undergraduate paper submissions: NYSSA2021_<firstname><lastname>_UG student paper.docx

For graduate paper submissions: NYSSA2021_<firstname> <lastname>_GRAD student paper.docx     

Deadline: Papers must be received by March 21, 2021 at 11:59PM to be considered for the 2021 award.


Eligibility: Undergraduate and graduate students who submit their abstract to the annual NYSSA meeting and then present their paper (as scheduled in the meeting program) are eligible to receive the NYSSA student paper award. 


Judging Criteria: Papers must concern a relevant sociological topic and may be conceptual and/or empirical. Entries will be evaluated on scholarly content, critical thinking, clarity of expression and overall professionalism (including style and format.)


Tips for success: 


  • Save and submit your work as a Microsoft word document

  • Include a cover sheet with a title and author names

  • Use 12 point Times New Roman font with 1 inch margins

  • Use single spacing for the body of the text

  • Ensure you cite references with ASA formatting

  • Have a faculty member at your school review your paper before submission


Winners of the student paper awards will be announced during the Virtual Annual Meeting. 



Questions? Contact NYSSA president Jessica Hoffman at



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